All destroyers have to go!

Will Obama ever be Truthful? Will the Media ever start Calling him out on his Lies?

I’m glad you didn’t mention Dec 2012 in Connecticut in the article about Mass Murders/Shootings.   Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was supposed to have occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut. It  MAY NOT HAVE EVER HAPPENED, or if it did it was a Homeland Security drill gone awry. 

I first became aware of something wrong here when I used that shooting in an email. I received several challenges to go to the FBI murder statistics, by city and state, and see how many murders took place in Newtown, CT in 2012.  Surprise!  The Feds said zero, nada, zilch! Nobody died in Newtown in Dec 2012.

I assumed it was a question of over lapping borders or something like that. I google-mapped all the surrounding towns then checked the FBI chart again. No city or town in Connecticut had 26 murders during December of 2012.

It hasn’t been in the media, but a guy that gathered this and other facts to show a fraud was foisted on us in Newtown is suing the major media outlets for not doing their job on this fraud. It may never be reported, and I hope this guy has some great body guards!

The only theory that makes sense is that it was a Homeland Security drill.  The media thought it was real, reported it assuch, and Obama, “never letting a crises go to waste” jumped on it for reasons of gun control.



As of today, it still says 0 murders in NEWTOWN:

 Newtown 27,904

Violence      Murders     Rape       Robbery       Assault        Property     Burglar    Larceny    Auto theft   Arson

7                  0                    5           0                   2               185           32            151           2           1

Home About Us CJIS UCR Crime in the U.S. 2012 Crime in the U.S. 2012 Tables 8TableDataDecPDF Table 8 State cuts Table 8 – Connecticut

As of today, it still says 0 murders in NEWTOWN:

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Table 8


Offenses Known to Law Enforcement

by City, 2012

CHECK IT OUT: Newtown, pop. 27,904

Violent      Murder and manslaughter
crime                                 Rape    Robbery     Assault      Property     Burglary   Larceny   Auto      Arson

7                     0                    5           0                   2               185           32            151             2           1

Offenses Known to Law Enforcement

by City, 2012


Other memorable shootings from around the world. EXPOSED: Another lie by Obama, when he infers the mass shooting are an American invention.

We had some white loser shoot up a black church and our president couldn’t wait to get to a microphone and use this tragedy to call for gun control. There are many things he could have said about how tragic this was and how we needed to come together but no, he had to climb upon these dead bodies and use this as an excuse to try to take away our guns.

Here’s a little question. If a black dude had shot up a church full of white people would Obumbler have gone on television? Of course not.

And then he said stuff like this doesn’t happen in other civilized countries. Did he already forget about the massacre in Paris? Is France not an industrialized country? And France has strict gun control laws. Did that stop the Charlie Hebdo shootings? Nope! And it was in Norway where some deranged dude shot up a children’s camp. And this church in Charleston was a gun free facility. Did that stop the shooter? When one of these deranged dudes sees a sign that says “This is a gun free facility” it’s a big welcome sign because he knows no one will shoot back.

Some of the worst mass shootings since 1987.

__ July 20, 2012: At least 12 people are killed when a gunman enters an Aurora, Colo., movie theater, releases a canister of gas and then opens fire during opening night of the Batman movie “The Dark Knight Rises.”

_ July 22, 2011: Confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik kills 77 in Norway in twin attacks: a bombing in downtown Oslo and a shooting massacre at a youth camp outside the capital. The self-styled anti-Muslim militant admitted both attacks.

_ Nov. 5, 2009: Thirteen soldiers and civilians were killed and more than two dozen wounded when a gunman walked into the Soldier Readiness Processing Center at Fort Hood, Texas, and opened fire. Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder.

_ April 30, 2009: Farda Gadyrov, 29, enters the prestigious Azerbaijan State Oil Academy in the capital, Baku, armed with an automatic pistol and clips. He kills 12 people before killing himself as police close in.

_ March 10, 2009: Michael McLendon, 28, killed 10 people – including his mother, four other relatives, and the wife and child of a local sheriff’s deputy – across two rural Alabama counties. He then killed himself.

_ Sept. 23, 2008: Matti Saari, 22, walks into a vocational college in Kauhajoki, Finland, and opens fire, killing 10 people and burning their bodies with firebombs before shooting himself fatally in the head.

_ Nov. 7, 2007: After revealing plans for his attack in YouTube postings, 18-year-old Pekka-Eric Auvinen fires kills eight people at his high school in Tuusula, Finland.

_ April 16, 2007: Seung-Hui Cho, 23, kills 32 people and himself on Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Va.

_ April 26, 2002: Robert Steinhaeuser, 19, who had been expelled from school in Erfurt, Germany, kills 13 teachers, two former classmates and policeman, before committing suicide.

_ April 20, 1999: Students Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, opened fire at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., killing 12 classmates and a teacher and wounding 26 others before killing themselves in the school’s library.

_ April 28, 1996: Martin Bryant, 29, bursts into cafeteria in seaside resort of Port Arthur in Tasmania, Australia, shooting 20 people to death. Driving away, he kills 15 others. He was captured and imprisoned.

_ March 13, 1996: Thomas Hamilton, 43, kills 16 kindergarten children and their teacher in elementary school in Dunblane, Scotland, and then kills himself.

_ Oct. 16, 1991: A deadly shooting rampage took place in Killeen, Texas, as George Hennard opened fire at a Luby’s Cafeteria, killing 23 people before taking his own life. 20 others were wounded in the attack.

_ June 18, 1990: James Edward Pough shoots people at random in a General Motors Acceptance Corp. office in Jacksonville, Fla., killing 10 and wounding four, before killing himself.

_ Dec. 6, 1989: Marc Lepine, 25, bursts into Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique college, shooting at women he encounters, killing nine and then himself.

_ Aug. 19, 1987: Michael Ryan, 27, kills 16 people in small market town of Hungerford, England, and then shoots himself dead after being cornered by police.

Look at all of the shootings in Europe which has much stricter gun laws than we do. Guns are not the problem! Crazy people are.


The Battista Family:
We thank God for the Blessings we have; and the blessings we are receiving!  
                We thank God, for everything!
For your gold — Your Gold Mine
For your GoDaddy URL–

As ISIS runs rampant an increasingly popular George W. Bush is vindicated

I liked “W” because he wasn’t the smooth co-artist like most politicians. Unfortunately, his brother Jeb appears to be what I don’t like about politicians.  My choice among the RepublICANs is Dr. Ben Carson.  Most don’t give him a chance, but you can believe he is the best of the lot!

As ISIS runs rampant an increasingly popular George W. Bush is vindicated

Former President George W. Bush has been enjoying something of a revival in recent months. First there came the news that Bush polls better than the man who replaced him, Barack Obama. Friday, Gallup reported that fewer people than ever view the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as mistakes. No wonder, as Hot Air reported, when Bush opined that we need boots on the ground to settle with ISIS, heads all over the planet nodded silently in agreement. After all, boots on the ground were what finally won the Iraq War during the surge, a victory that President Obama so casually threw away with both hands.

 President George W. Bush

Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

Of course, all the boots on the ground don’t have to be American. The Kurds and certain of the Sunni tribesmen who have not yet been irrevocably alienated by Obama are certainly willing to fight. Given arms and support, they would do so with alacrity. It is not outside the realm of possibility that, also given arms and support, Jordanian and Egyptian troops could add muscle to an anti-Isis coalition. Throw in some American special operators and lots of air power and the days of the Islamic State would be numbered. If Bush were to, by some miracle, become president again, they would be.

We have an inkling that Bush was not as despised as the media would have us believe several years ago when those “Miss Me Yet?” posters started to show up with the former president’s smiling visage. Many predicted that Bush, who left office under a cloud, would in short order become a modern day Truman, only fully appreciated when time and the incompetence of his successor highlighted how good the country had it when he was in charge. That development has come true.

The man made happiest by this development, besides George Bush, is his younger brother Jeb, who also wants to become president. The Bush name may not be as much as a burden as many have thought.


Jeb might be a nice person, but he is also just another politician!  Ben Carson, is a genius of a man, and can undo all of the crap Obama is leaving behind-especially the degeneration of race relations in the USA! Ben is not another smooth talking, run of the mill politicians!  If you haven’t done so yet, check him out and you will see that he is the best choice.

A Brief Education About the Private Corporation Called The Federal Reserve Bank!

Federal Reserve Fraud

Andy Naylor

The purpose of this application report is to describe the problems with The Federal Reserve and the money system and explain why I think these are problems today. I think this is important because it has to do with everyone in the United States. I will examine the perspectives of three economists, and analyze my findings. In this report I hope to accomplish proving how the American public was lied to and robbed of their gold and silver supply.My first economist is Tom Rose, an ex-religious agnostic who later became a Christian after studying the Bible. He is a retired professor of economics from Grove City College, Pennsylvania. He is author of seven books and hundreds of articles dealing with economic and political issues.

My second economist is Steven Jacobson, author of the audiotape series Mind Wars.

My third economist is Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and Chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee.

Alan Greenspan, at the annual Dinner and Francis Boyer Lecture of The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research on December 5, 1996 stated, “Augmenting concerns about the Federal Reserve is the perception that we are a secretive organization, operating behind closed doors, not always in the interests of the nation as a whole. This is regrettable, and we continuously strive to alter this misperception.”

My research and findings will show otherwise. I will show how the Federal Reserve has confused the public, lied to them and stole their gold and silver.

In a letter to Thomas Jefferson in 1787, John Adams wrote: “All the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arise, not from defects of the Constitution, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.”

It was Daniel Webster who said; “Of all the contrivances devised for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effective than that which deludes him with paper money.”

Garet Garrett, in writing about the Federal Reserve System and World War I, said:

…after many years of blundering toward it, and only a few months before the beginning of the war in Europe (WWI), we had found the formula for the most efficient credit machine that was ever invented. This was the Federal Reserve System. Most people are unsure of the meanings of words such as money, dollar, wealth, inflation and credit. The average person would be very surprised if they knew how the money system used to work compared to how it operates now.

According to Jacobson, The essence of psychological warfare is to confuse the meaning of words, and infiltrate the mind with conflicting concepts. Jacobson goes on to say that the use of the word Federal in the name federal Reserve leads the public to believe that the Federal Reserve is a government institution, when it is really a private corporation owned by foreign and domestic banks and operated for profit. The FED controls nation’s money supply and interest rates, and there by manipulates the entire economy, in violation of Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution that expressly charges Congress with power to coin money and regulate the value thereof. Article 1, Section 10 of the constitution says: No State shall make any thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in payment of Debts.

Federal Express and Federal Ammunition Company both have the word federal in them but the public knows about them, they know they are not government agencies because they are not misled about the companies.

Over time, gold and silver coins were removed from our money supply and removed as backing for our paper currency and replaced with debt (or credit). Credit is only in our minds. It is an idea, not a thing. It is expressed by bookkeeping entries and computer symbols.

According to Jacobson, “The manipulation of words and their meaning is the key to controlling what people think. Traditional definitions are eliminated while new meanings are repeated over and over again until accepted.”

The definition of dollar has changed to hide the fact that a dollar is not money, but a unit of measurement for gold and silver coin. Title 12 United States Code Section 152 says: “The terms lawful money or lawful money of the United States shall be construed to mean gold or silver coin of the United Sates.” Title 31 United States Code, Section 5101 says: “The money of account of the United States shall be expressed in dollars.”

Hundreds of years ago people would pay the local goldsmith to store their gold for them in his vault. He would then give them a receipt for the amount of gold that was stored. The receipt was not money, it was a money substitute. It was later common for people to use the receipts as payment for goods and services since they could be exchanged for the gold held in the vault at any time.

The goldsmith found out that only a small amount of the gold was ever claimed since people just kept exchanging the receipts. The goldsmith started writing receipts for more gold than he had, using some of the receipts to buy things and loaning the rest at interest, while taking title to real property as collateral. The gold for these extra receipts did not exist. By adding to the amount of receipts in circulation, the goldsmith stole from the people with the real receipts and decreased the value of the real gold receipts by creating inflation. The more of something there is, the less it is worth and more it takes to trade it for something else. Paper currency is a money substitute, it is not money. It is only valid when the number of paper currency equals the amount of real money that it is a substitute for. By manipulating the number of receipts in circulation, the goldsmith stole the wealth of the town without anyone figuring it out. By lowering the number of receipts, he could make money scare, creating a depression where he could foreclose on the property and magnify his riches. He could then quicken economic activity and bring abundance by raising the number of receipts until his next rip off.

America’s economic problems started with issuing fraudulent receipts for gold that does not exist. This became standard procedure for the banking business.

The recent equivalent to the goldsmith’s receipt for gold is the Federal Reserve Note. The word “Federal” implies Federal government, but the Federal Reserve is a privately owned corporation. The word “Reserve” implies that something gives the paper receipt value, but no gold or silver backs this paper. The word “Note” implies a contract, because legally a note must state who is paying, what is being paid, to whom and when.

Most people say something like, “I have a dollar bill”. But what is a bill? A bill is a receipt of a debt owed by one person or company to another. Therefore, a “dollar bill” is a receipt (or bill) of debt of one dollar that is owed.

According to Jacobson, from 1914 to 1963, Federal Reserve Notes never claimed to be money, nor did they claim to be dollars. A note for five dollars read: “The United States of America will pay to the bearer on demand five dollars.” How can a promise to pay five dollars be five dollars? To the left of the President’s picture and above the bank seal, it said: “This note is legal tender for all debts public and private, and is redeemable in lawful money at the United States Treasury or at any Federal Reserve Bank.” In 1963 the FED began to issue its first series of notes without the promise, while taking notes with the promise out of circulation. How can paper become what it promises by removing the promise? To the left of the President’s picture and above the bank seal, it now read: “This note is legal tender for all debts public and private.” A note is an IOU, it is proof of debt. It is not possible to pay off a debt with a debt. No debt can be paid in full unless paid in gold or silver, coined and regulated in value by Congress. The name “Federal Reserve Note” is a fraudulent label since each word claims to be something that in reality it is not. By removing the promise to redeem the note in lawful money, the Federal Government in cooperation with the Federal Reserve, eliminated the monetary system of the United States as established by the Constitution and replaced it with something totally different.

If you are holding a one dollar Federal Reserve Note, the question is, what is it one dollar of? The answer is absolutely nothing. The number one measures no substance. The only thing that give paper money value is the confidence people have in it as is stated in chapter 30 of our textbook. Federal Reserve Notes are only accepted because people believe they have value. If the truth were ever found out, it would cause fininancial chaos because people would know they have no value.

There are only two economic systems. They are barter and credit. Barter is the trading of one thing of value for something else of value. A money system using gold and silver coin is a barter system. Throughout history, many different things have been used for bartering because money, in and of itself, does not exist. Something must be used as money. People have traded for goods and services using farm animals, large rocks, shells and crops.

Gold and silver have been used as money worldwide for thousands of years. All things used as money have had one thing in common, they were all tangible wealth. They were all things you could touch. They were all things you could weigh and measure. Credit, however, is intangible. You cannot touch credit. You cannot weigh and measure it because there is no substance to weigh and measure. It is all imagination.

Credit is not wealth. No work is used in the creation of credit other than a booking entry. Hundreds of years ago, when the goldsmith issued his first receipt for gold that did not exist, he created credit and inflation, because credit and inflation are the same thing. They are both receipts for capital that does not exist. They are both an imaginary unit of exchange. When half of the receipts circulating as a money substitute are redeemable in gold, the other half of the receipts are both credit and inflation. When none of the receipts are redeemable, all of it is credit and inflation. Credit is inflation, therefore, the only cure for inflation is real, honest money.

A twenty dollar gold coin is twice as large, and twice as heavy as a ten dollar gold coin. A dollar is a unit of measurement for gold and silver coin to insure uniform weight, purity, and value. A dollar unit of paper money that is not redeemable in gold or silver coin is a dollar unit of inflation, which is a dollar unit of credit, which is a dollar unit of nothing.

The purpose of paper money that is not redeemable for gold or silver coin is to get things without paying for them. Those who issue and control paper money as credit get everything for nothing. The cost to the Federal Reserve for printing a “note” is about two cents, no matter what denomination is printed on it. Paper money as credit is used to take wealth using numbers where numbers of nothing are exchanged for things of substance and value. This grand theft occurs in full view unnoticed because the public has been made an accessory to the crime by accepting pieces of paper with numbers on them in place of lawful money, not knowing the difference between worthless “notes” and lawful money.

Oliver Ellsworth, the countries third Chief Justice of the Supreme Court said of paper money: “This is a favorable moment to shut and bar the door against paper money. The mischief of the various experiments which have been made are now fresh in the public mind and have excited the disgust of the respectable parts of America.”

Roger Sherman, a delegate from Connecticut and author of the gold and silver coin provision of the constitution, wrote a condemnation of paper money entitled A caveat Against Injustice in which he said…”If what is used as as a Medium of Exchange is fluctuating in its value it is no better than unjust weights and measures, both which are condemned by the laws of God and Man, and therefore the longest and most universal Custom could never make the Use of such a Medium either lawful or reasonable.”

And so the framers of the Constitution specified a money system of gold and silver, to be coined and regulated in value by Congress and prohibited by the government from issuing paper money as stated in Article 1 sections 8 and 10 of the Constitution: “Congress shall have Power to coin money and regulate the value thereof. No State shall make any thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”

When Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913. Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., father of the famous airman, told Congress after the vote, “When the President signs this act, the invisible government by the money power will be legalized.” President Woodrow Wilson signed the act into law, turning over the money system of the country to a group of private bankers and allowed them to create money by making bookkeeping entries, loan it at interest, and take title to real property as collateral. Because of this, the citizens of the United States have lost control over their money system and their government. The banking system operates the same as the goldsmith that deceitfully issued receipts for more gold than was on deposit.

According to Jacobson, Federal Reserve Notes are evidence of debt the U.S. Government owes to the owners of the Federal Reserve the payment of which is guaranteed by the collateral of all property and income of all U.S. citizens. When the U.S. Government needs to borrow money, the Treasury creates a bond, and promises to pay a specified amount of money at a specified interest on a specified date. This bond is evidence of debt just as an. I.O.U. is evidence of debt. This interest-bearing debt is the foundation for this nation’s money supply and its payment is guaranteed by the collateral of all property and income of all U.S. citizens. The Federal Reserve “buys” this debt simply by making a bookkeeping entry for the amount and writing a check against no funds, and then converts it into paper currency and checkbook money.

The U.S. Bureau of Engraving prints the paper currency in whatever denominations ordered by the Federal Reserve and charges about two cents for each note, regardless of the denominations, which the Federal Reserve “pays for” by making another bookkeeping entry and writing another bad check. In effect the Federal Reserve lends the U. S. Government its own credit, our credit, and then charges interest on it. If the public does this, it is called kiting, which according to Webster’s dictionary is defined as, “to use (a bad check) to get credit or money”.

If a citizen does this they can be jailed or fined for it.

Every dollar created by the Federal Reserve System is debt for the citizens of the United States, which the central bank collects interest on, in addition to the interest from the bond created by the Treasury that put this magic money making machine in motion. The Federal Reserve inflates the amount of the bond in order to make even more loans of imaginary dollars and collect more interest on an investment that cost nothing. Under fractional reserve banking, the amount of money a bank can create is limited by the reserve ratio or fraction it is required to maintain. For example, when the reserve ratio is ten to one, a bank can create and loan ten dollars for each dollar held in reserve and charge interest on it. While the reserves of the goldsmith were gold, the reserves of the Federal Reserve is paper, nothing more than bookkeeping entries that are a record of debt.

The absurdity of the situation is that if there were no debts, there would be no money, since every dollar of paper currency and checkbook money is loaned into circulation. And, in order to pay the interest, there has to be another loan because the banking system only creates the principal and not the interest. In fact, the interest can never be paid because it is not possible to return to the bank more dollars than were created, making it inevitable that the Federal Reserve Banking System acquire title to all wealth in the nation. This is exactly what the Framers of the Constitution intended to prevent when they specified a money system of gold and silver coin and prohibited the government from issuing paper money, because a nation that uses money based on debt can never be free of debt.

Increasing the amount of currency and checkbook money increases inflation. Creating new dollars reduces the value of all dollars, resulting in higher prices. By manipulating the quantity of created dollars, the purchasing power of every dollar is altered. Depressions are the result of private bankers reducing the money supply by tightening credit and withdrawing currency, causing a drop in prices, unemployment and foreclosure of property. This is premeditated theft.

Thomas Jefferson warned against private banks when he said: “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporation that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

By calling gold and silver “money”, and then calling Federal Reserve Notes “money”, the two blended together in the public’s minds so that over time the difference between them was erased from the people’s memories. A promise to pay money substituted for lawful money until the promise was removed. Exchanging paper currency is not a complete transaction until payment is made in gold or silver coin. Until then, it is both credit and debt a record of a specific amount of money to be paid or received.

Credit, a deferred payment and debt, a sum of money due, are the same thing. It is hidden by deceptive double-entry bookkeeping where a debt becomes an asset by calling it a credit. Paper money that redeems nothing only appears to have value because it can be exchanged for things of value. When a piece of paper representing debt is exchanged for wealth, someone has been robbed. Paper money transfers wealth from one person, then from another, then from another, and on and on until the last person will be stuck with it.

During the Great Depression people who had gold in the banks wanted the banks to honor their contract to redeem the paper currency for gold.. The fraudulent nature of fractional reserve banking was at risk of being exposed because there was not enough gold on deposit in the banks to redeem all Federal Reserve Notes issued promising payment in gold. That was when President Roosevelt declared a national emergency and closed the banking system for two days as recommended by the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Congress then passed the Emergency Banking Act declaring it illegal for U.S. citizens to own gold under penalty of up to a $10,000 fine and/or up to 10 years in prison. The people exchanged their gold and gold certificates for Federal Reserve Notes of created dollars based on debt, which stated a promise of redemption in lawful money.

Gold was now removed from the system leaving silver dollars as the only lawful money available. Silver was eventually eliminated from the money system, leaving the public with a totally scam money system of irredeemable paper currency and copper-nickel clad tokens that represent a debt owed to the owners of the Federal Reserve Banking System, the payment of which is guaranteed by the collateral of all property and income of all U.S. citizens.

According to Jacobson, when banks cannot honor their contract to redeem their notes for gold or silver coins, they are bankrupt. The contract between the people and the Federal Reserve printed on each bank note promising to pay in lawful money was invalidated because the system went bankrupt and because the amended version of the “Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917” placed all U.S. citizens in the category of enemy, and no contract is considered valid between enemies. American citizens were declared to be the enemy by their own government, for indeed they would be if the people ever discovered what had happened to their money.

Being unable to trade in wealth such as gold and silver coin enslaves the people to those who create and control what is being called money. All it took to rob the public was to convince people that paper and credit are money. The Federal Government and the Federal Reserve have the power to create unlimited amounts of credit because credit does not exist. It is not a tangible substance, but an idea represented by bookkeeping entries and computer symbols.

To pay means to deliver a tangible substance as money like gold and silver coin. Where there is no substance, there is no payment. There is only pretend payment. Banks do not really lend money, they only pretend to lend money. They put no money in a borrower’s account. They only make bookkeeping entries that are reduced as the borrower writes checks against imagined deposits.

When the banks charge interest on a loan they do not make, banks impart psychological value to numbers of nothing. Charging interest sustains the illusion that banks loan something of value, when all they do is rent the appearance of money.

Three years after signing the Federal Reserve Act into law, President Woodrow Wilson made the following statement: “Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world–no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men.”

According to Jacobson, the Secretary of the Treasury is not the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury because the U.S. Treasury was bankrupted in 1933. The Secretary of the Treasury is not paid by the United States Government. The Secretary serves as U.S. Governor of the International Monetary Fund as receiver of the bankrupt United States, collecting the debt from U.S. citizens. According to Tom Rose, economics is the science of choice: the science, or study, of how man values alternative choices, and how he acts in implementing those choices in order to maximize his sense of well-being. This definition is somewhat broader than the dictionary definition of economics, that economics is “a social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.”

He defines Biblical economics as what the Bible says about man. He says that we must always remember that God is the Author and Controller of all economic law, and that man’s role is to discover and to apply God’s law in the created universe. Tom Rose says that according to Leviticus 19:35-36 monetary inflation is immoral, whether it is effected by the government treasury’s printing fiat money, or whether it is brought about by the central bank (Federal Reserve Bank) “validating” government deficits through sophisticated, hard to understand forms of credit creation. Monetary inflation, properly defined as the creation of new purchasing media (money), is immoral because it changes the measure of the monetary unit by debauching the currency that people use in their everyday transactions. Monetary inflation is what counterfeiters engage in when they create false money, and it is just as morally wrong for civil rulers to “legally” create false money as it is for counterfeiters to do it illegally. In short, it is a clear breaking of God’s admonishment to maintain a system of just weights and measures.

Tom Rose says that The Federal Reserve Bank has provided the needed sleight-of-hand credit financing to involve us in every foreign war during the twentieth century. The net result of our getting involved in one foreign war after another has been a consequent steady decline in personal freedom; the growth of a highly centralized, bureaucratic and fascistic government; a horrendous rise in taxation; the planned destruction of the gold standard, which used to give some degree of protection to American citizens against an out-of-control, profligate, high-spending government in Washington, D.C.; and decades of planned monetary inflation which has brought the 1940 purchasing value of the dollar to less than 8 cents. Yes, 92 percent of the value of the 1940 dollar has evaporated as a result of the Federal Reserve’s long-term monetary policy, which has quietly cooperated with the federal government to finance government deficits with Federal Reserve credit.

In conclusion, Alan Greenspan stated, “Augmenting concerns about the Federal Reserve is the perception that we are a secretive organization, operating behind closed doors, not always in the interests of the nation as a whole. This is regrettable, and we continuously strive to alter this misperception.”

According to Jacobson, by using misleading words the Federal Reserve has misled the public. They have over time replaced our system of real money of gold and silver coin with worthless paper, which is against the law according to The Constitution. Tom Rose says that according to Leviticus 19:35-36 monetary inflation is immoral, because it is not an honest standard as God commands in Leviticus.

I think the only solution to this problem is to do away with the Federal Reserve and go back to the way it used to be and have our money system based on gold and silver coin. As Jacobson said, the only solution to the problem is honest money. Besides the economic issues I have mentioned in this paper, there are other good reasons to have our money system based on gold and silver coin. For one thing, there would be no more counterfeiters. The only reason people do that now is because paper is pretty worthless. But they print a value on it, and all of a sudden it’s worth something. But you cannot counterfeit gold or silver. You cannot take an ounce of gold or silver and make it worth more than it is already worth. If you take an ounce of gold and stamp it into a US gold coin, it is worth no more than an ounce of gold. You can create paper money, just like The Federal Reserve does. But you cannot create gold or silver.

Another good reason for gold and silver coin is that it doesn’t wear as bad as paper money does. Paper money is frequently replaced because it wears out so quickly. I have silver dollars over 130 years old and they are still in great shape. In a way, gold and silver never wear out because at the worst they will wear down the fine edges. When this happens, they can just be recycled again into new coins.

I think in this paper I have accomplished what I have set out to do, that being to describe the problems with The Federal Reserve and the money system and explain why I think these are problems today. I have proved how the American public was lied to and robbed of their gold and silver supply.

Fiat money!
Fiat money!
Those that believe fiat money is strong, stable and real!
Those that believe fiat
money is strong, stable and real!

Picture The U S Constitution says, “No State shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;

Golf Hats for Democrats and a Message From an American Patriot Biker!

A) In other news… We all remember when KFC
offered a “Hillary” meal, consisting of 2
small breasts and 2 large thighs.
KFC now offers the “Obama Cabinet Bucket”
It consists of nothing but left wings and
chicken shit.

No thanks necessary; just keeping you up to
date, as this is my civic duty….
B)  By the way, this photo below was taken at a rally of the deceived democrats:
 Dem Rally for Obama
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Sneakin’ In To The USA and Barry O’s Transforming the USA with Black Op Sites in Chicago!

Rusty Humphries: Sneakin’ In To The USA.

You’ll love the music and joyfully share it with your friends.


“Black Op Site” Run by Chicago Police

By Pastor Hal Mayer on Mar 09, 2015 04:00 am
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“The Chicago police department operates an off-the-books interrogation compound, rendering Americans unable to be found by family or attorneys while locked inside what lawyers say is the domestic equivalent of a CIA black site.”
The warehouse, known as Homan Square, has been the scene of secretive work by special police units that former detainees and their lawyers say denies access to basic constitutional rights, such as keeping arrestees out of official booking databases, beatings by police resulting in head wounds, shackling for prolonged periods, denying attorneys access to the “secure” facility, and holding people without legal counsel for between 12 and 24 hours, including people as young as 15. At least one man died in the “interview room.”
One former detainee, Brian Jacob Church said, “It brings to mind the interrogation facilities they use in the Middle East. The CIA calls them black sites. It’s a domestic black site. When you go in, no one knows what’s happened to you.”
The secretive detention center echoes the abuses of the U.S. in its war on terrorism, including “military style vehicles, interrogation cells and even a cage.”
“It’s sort of an open secret among attorneys that regularly make police station visits, this place – if you can’t find a client in the system, odds are they’re there,” said Chicago lawyer Julia Bartmes. Those lawyers who have attempted to gain access to Homan Square are most often turned away, even as their clients remain in custody inside.
The Chicago Police Department denied the allegations that it was abusing detainees and said they have access to their rights. But the allegations of former detainees and lawyers don’t confirm the department’s statements.
“They just disappear,” said Anthony Hill, a criminal defense attorney, “until they show up at a district for charging or are just released back out on the street.”
The United States “…shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution…” Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5, page 451
Source Reference

The Deceived Ignored Obama When He Laid Out His Plans!

Are Democrats Dreaming, or do The Rest of us Live in a Nightmare?

For some reason, the photo of the lovey-dovey Obama’s would not print out on this blog.  However, you can picture it.  The caption was filled with some sort of drug induced rhetoric: “Surely those of you so filled with anger can see here Truth and not political manipulation. These two people pictured here are not to blame for the corruption.”

The true caption should be: ”  … blame for the corruption as part of the gang of Chicago Thugs.  They didn’t start it, just figured out how to benefit from it!”
Did you know the democrats registered 10,000,000 new voters, and Obama still  lost almost 8,000,000 votes in 2012 over 2008.

The people responsible for this fiasco are the 3,000,000 republicans that did not vote!  Those 3,000,000 will have to answer to God when called to the other side of the veil!


This is from my friends, another Marine and his wife:

Whatever you thought of as your America it was voted out of existence
This is so sad – -but, unfortunately, the facts are true. Can it be reversed? Hard to tell – but we really have to try!



A little something to cheer you up.

We’ve been watching de Tocqueville’s words come to fruition for years
now, and now it’s a done deal.  Those with no skin in the game now
control the elections.

I don’t know who wrote the following analysis of the election, but
he’s dead nuts on the money.  America as we know it is gone forever,
and there’s basically no way to take it back.   Is this sour grapes?
I suspect not.  Time will tell.

Alexis de Tocqueville quotes:

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can
only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves
largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority
always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the
public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over
loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average
age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. ? Alexis
de Tocqueville

What a sad day for the America we knew. The greatest experiment in
individual freedom in the history of the world is gone forever. The
40% of non-white Americans and a large portion of the remaining white
women are now only concerned about what is good for them. There is no
understanding of and no regard for how to pay for the overwhelming
costs of their rampant “me”ism. There is no thought of what will
sustain the country. What they thought they voted for will begin to
fail within months.

This election was about a rising tide of immigrants and takers who
foolishly believe that government is a solution and “owes” them
something. Millennia of experiments in government have proven
government is not the solution… it is the problem. A lesson we no
longer teach in school.

Sadly the takers of America now outnumber the makers. Under 1% of the
people under 30 have ever served, under arms, in defense of the
principles of this nation. The other 99% have nothing invested in its
principles and therefore have nothing to lose with its demise. Future
elections will hinge solely on whose vote the government has
purchased, with other people’s money, over the past term of

This is the signal America has sent its government. The people that
remain are blindly trading their individual freedoms for government
handouts and there will be no solution except the fiscal bankruptcy of
America. Yesterday proved it to be morally bankrupt already.

With current energy policy auto fuel will soon be permanently over
$6.00/gal and private aviation will end within 2 years. The cost of
electricity and home heating oil will see similar rises. The
discretionary cash you will have will be halved within two years and
depleted within four years. Your savings funds will seemingly grow by
1%/yr but what they will buy will be cut by 20%/yr.

Within 16 months availability of medical care will be similar to
Canada’s 6 month wait for elective surgeries. Because reimbursement
for medical care will continue to shrink and be further delayed, fewer
and fewer of our brightest minds will elect medicine as their life’s

In Jan of 2014 virtually all physicians will be employees of the
federal government and people who have worked that hard for their
knowledge will simply quit and apply their brain power elsewhere to a
more profitable end. How long will it be before the federal government
comes after your industry?

Sadly those Americans who voted to stay the existing course cannot
understand the ramifications of their decision. USA treasury yields
dropped to the bottom after yesterday’s reelection of Obama. Last
night billions of dollars of business investment money left our
economy for countries where the business environment is more conducive
to growth. Todays currency markets will reflect that with mild
strengthening of the dollar. In a few days the adjustment will have
been made and the dollar will begin to weaken making everything we buy
more expensive.

Investment dollars will leave industry and the jobs it would have
created. Like the Philippines and Greece and other third world
nations, you will soon see our country pass laws which prevent the
externalization of capital. Businessmen will have moved their assets
long before those laws take effect. The dollar will then fail
precipitously on the world currency markets. Within this
administration the USA will soon loose it’s AAA credit rating. The
cost to support our debt will become untenable. The dollar will stop
being the world’s currency and the BRIC nations will take over that
function. Within two years the explosion of inflation, which we
already see, will continue unabated until a loaf of bread is over

I could go on but I will end with the adage my father recited to me
often. “Experience teaches a dear school but a fool can learn in no
other.” The people who most need to read this letter will never get to
this sentence.

Whatever you thought of as your America it was voted out of existence
last night.


WHO IS TO BLAME FOR THE BENGHAZI TRAGEDY? THIS terrible murder of 4 Americans, one of which was the Ambassador to Libya, happened 7 weeks ago. The answers appear to have been there within the first few days, but someone in The White House, deflected the TRUTH with lies and obfuscations. Did the president give the order to save the lives of the 4 public servants? If he did, who disobeyed the order? Was it the Secretary of Defense Panetta, or one of the generals? Was it the Secretary of State Clinton, or one of her underlings? Whoever it was has a lot to answer for!

This is what we know! The Benghazi compound was attacked in April 2012, again in June 2012, The Ambassador asks for more security! Again, in August, he asks for more security, but Obama’s State Department actually pull out much of the security that was there before the end of August! What were they thinking?!?

So, here we are, still in Benghazi, after all the other Westerners, plus the RED CROSS pull out! The extra security is pulled out, and 9/11 is near at hand!

On 9/10/2012 another memo was sent to the State Department, asking for more help! During the day of 9/11 a memo was sent claiming, “People are watching us.”

Our Ambassador has dinner with the Turkish Ambassador. One hour after the Turkish Ambassador leaves the battle begins! The battle lasted 7 or 8 hours (depending on which report you read). It is 4:05 pm in the USA. The White House calls in Secretary Panetta and Joe Biden as they watch what is going on in “real time” in the Situation Room!
We now have drones giving “real time” information, as well as the security cameras at the consulate. At 6:07 pm the CIA notifies everyone that the attack is by an El Quaida affiliate called Ansar El Sharia!

By the time America was waking up on 9/12/2012 an ambassador was murdered, along with 3 other Americans. Obama and Clinton give a short announcement then go about their daily tasks. For Obama, it meant a fund-raising trip to Las Vegas! He also scheduled a number of celebrity interviews on TV, and several celebrity magazine interviews.

Obama claims to have gone to bed after giving the order to “do all that is necessary to save the lives of the Americans in Benghazi.”

I know he had a heavy schedule the next day, as the Celebrity-in-Chief, but the question remains, “Why haven’t heads rolled since obviously, someone disobeyed his order to save the people in Benghazi?”

I hope it wasn’t General Petrius, because in all other regards, his service has been outstanding and without blemish!
Panetta also seems to be a good public servant. So, I hope it wasn’t him. More than likely, some general will take the fall for this disaster, because all of the higher ups will have been able to “CYA” themselves!

Oh, I don’t want to forget Hillery Clinton. She is the most responsible person, after the president, for the affairs in Libya. What did she know and when did she know it? Remember, Hillary is supposed to be the “smartest women in the room” working for the president that carries the label, “smartest man in the room!” When the Clinton’s held the presidency, remember it was Hillery that took control of smearing women molested by her man in what came to be known as the “Bimbo eruptions.”

Maybe she is not so smart after all! Or, she is smart, but with a devious, black-hearted side: She was in the middle of the 900 missing FBI files; she and Bill fell into the “White Water Scam” and avoided prosecution because others in the scam KEPT THEIR MOUTHS SHUT! We also have the Clinton “Travel Office” caper where instead of just quietly replacing the Bush travel office with her own people, she had to claim they were criminals! Later court proceeding proved the claim was false, and the long-term travel office people that served presidents of both parties for more than 20 years still do not have their honest names restored! Then, there is the funny $100,000 Cattle Futures event! Maybe it was a real success, or maybe it was a payoff of some kind to the Clintons! Don’t know for sure, but it was funny!

That leaves President Obama! Did he really leave for bed giving the order “to save those men”? I’m not sure about his blaming other people for all of his SNAFUs! In fact, he always tells us how bad things were when he assumed office. IN FACT He inherited a situation that any president would love to have. Problems, “YES!”
Every person in that office is faced with problems. Yet, he had a 70% approval rating! He had a veto proof Senate! He had a massive majority in The House of Representatives. The wealthy 1% of America was in his pocket! All over the world he had people believing he was next to God, maybe the “Messiah” himself! He got the “Peace Prize” without doing a thing! He had so much good will, he could have fixed the economy and foreign affairs in his first two years. Instead, he squandered all of the good will and wasted his time continuing his campaigning and playing with his Hollywood friends! Instead of the “Messiah”, we got the High School Freshman class president!