President Trump: Fake news is the enemy of the people!
BEFORE  quoting the two articles below, let me express my exasperation with the honorable men around President Trump!!! AG Jeff Sessions before recusing yourself, I hope you removed all of the Obama/Clintonites from the DOJ! The democrats are never honorable!  The democrats only seek power at the expense of the American people!  Those worried about Trump going beyond his duties as president, a silly, unfounded fear because 1) that is not his intention; 2)if it was the honorable people in his cabinet would prevent it–AS WOULD ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ THAT SUPPORT HIM; 3) Trump’s ego won’t allow himself to be a loser, so he will have to fix these problems!
The reason I distrust ALL POLITICIANS, is regardless of their good intentions when they first run, most get corrupted very quickly once inside the Belt-Way! The only hope to save our nation is for ethical, wealthy men  and women that cannot be corrupted take charge and fix the rotten state built by politicians of both parties! This is what our hopes are for the Trump administration. I pray we are right, because if we are wrong some rotten people from both parties will have a ending worse than that of Mussolini!
The Deep State’s War against Trump
                by The Conservative Zone
In recent weeks, an internal conflict within the U.S. government has begun to heat up as forces less than visible to the public have coordinated attempts to derail the administration and policies of President Donald Trump.
While it’s true that Trump has numerous enemies in the media (many of whom were more than delighted to give him free press before he started seriously competing against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election), the media is not the instigator of these attacks that have in recent days cost Trump multiple picks for Cabinet jobs and embarrassment over leaked information.
Within Trump’s administration, there’s a growing unease — some have wrongly used the word chaos — over who or what entity is behind the disingenuous actions that seem determined to stymie Trump’s promises on everything from military commitments to trade policies while forcing the president to make near-daily excuses and unplanned statements to the press. (READ THE ARTICLE BELOW THIS ONE FOR MORE OF THE PICTURE!)
Of course, besides the media, Trump has no shortage of powerful enemies who would like nothing more than to see the new commander-in-chief driven from office. And while some Congressional Democrats have casually mentioned trying to make use of the 25th Amendment of the Constitution to remove Trump from power by having him declared unfit for office, the forces behind many of these machinations may be more sinister than that.
One of the greatest pieces of evidence that something significant is wrong was the spectacular resignation of former Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn from the role of National Security Advisor. His tenure in this position lasted just 24 days, and officially, he was forced out of the job due to contacts he had with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak prior to President Trump’s inauguration — specifically based on the fact that Flynn’s accounts of his contacts didn’t square with intelligence intercepts of the calls themselves.
There were mentions in the press that a zealous Justice Department could charge Flynn with violation of the Logan Act — relating to his discussing official government business as a then-private citizen — if he wanted to fight to keep his job. But some pundits noted the Logan Act hasn’t been used to prosecute anyone in its 218-year history, and federal courts were likely to strike down any attempted prosecution under it.
Interestingly, however, a former aide to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton tweeted about Flynn’s son’s blabbing about the discredited “Pizzagate” scandal that embarrassed both Clinton and her campaign chairman John Podesta in the end stages of the 2016 presidential race.
Specifically, the aide’s tweet said in part, “Dear Mike Flynn and Mike Flynn, Jr.: What goes around COMETS around” — referencing both Flynn’s departure and the Comet Pizza establishment where supposed Pizzagate-related child abuse occurred in past years. For some insiders in Washington, this is a not-so-subtle declaration of payback that may or may not have to do with presidential election politics.
In the meantime, Trump has selected Army Lt. Gen. Herbert R. McMaster to replace the outgoing Flynn. But Flynn wasn’t the only official related to the defense establishment who’s been prevented from serving; Trump’s pick for Secretary of the Army, Vincent Viola, was also prevented from being confirmed for his job due to alleged business conflicts of interest.
For a few days, it appeared that Trump’s pick for Secretary of the Navy, Philip Bilden, might also suffer the same fate. But it turned out that media stories about Bilden appear to have been “fake news,” more or less spun out of whole cloth based on the spurious reports of “unnamed sources.”
The bigger question, however, is who — or what — is behind these actions and others like them?
As with any detective job, the correct first question to ask might be, “who stands to gain [if Trump is removed or prevented from carrying out his policies]?” Most of the answer to that question can be summed up in one word: globalists. One doesn’t have to look much further than the people most often thought of as globalist “tools” to see a cluster of usual suspects.
Former President Barack Obama would like nothing more than to ensure his legacy policies are preserved and his legislative agenda is maintained. To that end, he’s mobilized an activist army that some have numbered at more than 30,000 volunteers around the country.
Rather than retiring quietly to Hawaii, Illinois or elsewhere as other presidents might have in the past, Obama has dug in his heels and bought a large mansion to house his family in Washington D.C. He has a steady stream of former advisors, political consultants and staff coming and going as he daily works on a virtual “shadow government” designed to throw up roadblocks to Trump at every turn.
Progressive billionaire activist George Soros is known for his exceptionally deep pockets and his especially deep control over many of the political operations he funds through his multi-tentacled Open Society Foundations, among other organizations that he wields tremendous political influence through.
Unlike nearly all other political power players in the United States (and perhaps even the world), Soros is not known for merely making financial donations; he is very much hands-on, and he’s even admitted that many of the actions he takes are immoral.
Soros is known for being responsible for the toppling of at least eight governments around the world (with profit as a motive), so his views about “regime change” within the United States are likely no different than his feelings about accomplishing the same in, say, Macedonia or Ukraine.
It’s worth bearing in mind that in a number of Soros-sponsored “color revolutions” around the world, violence — and even death — were not unknown as coups d’etat and military movements overthrew democratically elected leaders in a number of nations.
Soros has funded not just Democrats in the United States but also Republicans — specifically Republicans who played a direct or indirect role in the #NeverTrump movement of 2016 — politicians such as Governor John Kasich of Ohio, Senator John McCain of Arizona, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and others.
It should be noted that some of the figures endorsing the #NeverTrump movement include the Bush family, whose scion Jeb famously lost to Trump in the Republican primaries. It shouldn’t be forgotten that former president George H.W. Bush — who made no secret of his enmity for Trump — headed the Central Intelligence Agency in the past, and many political observers say it is the intelligence community (or perhaps rogue elements within it) that’s behind many of the damaging leaks and documents such as the “dirty dossier” on Trump proffered by Senator John McCain to the FBI.
Trump has chastised elements of the intelligence community previously and castigated ex-President Obama’s head of Central Intelligence, James Clapper, who he claimed via a tweet in early January, “called me to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts. Too bad!”
Recently on Fox News, former Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio gave an interview in which he said, “There’s a game being played inside the Intelligence community [which Kucinich refers to as the ‘Deep State’] to force American policy in a direction that’s different than what the White House wants.”
American citizens should be rightfully concerned about this partially unelected group of people attempting to drive the course of government away from its elected leader’s agenda and toward a globalist one.
Fortunately, there are some encouraging signs that Trump may be about to get his way in a few policy areas shortly. Reports of a funding halt for the nearly discredited Syrian “rebels” overseas and ATF personnel postings to the crime-torn city of Chicago are just two examples (both of which have been denied as having to do with Trump administration decisions by respective spokespeople).
But it remains to be seen if Trump promises to degrade NATO and contribute less to the security of Europe will come to pass. Certainly, those profiting from the “gravy train” of the military-industrial establishment will be greatly upset if Trump makes good on promises to make the kind of budget cuts he’s talked about with, say, the F-35 jet fighter program.
Recently, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky remarked that the aforementioned Senator McCain was wrong about his views of the U.S. needing to get involved in “constant wars.” Paul claimed that if McCain was president instead of Trump, the country would be well on its way to bankruptcy.
It probably doesn’t need mentioning, but this is the same Senator McCain who’s chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee that’s in charge of authorizing $600 billion per year for the Pentagon and the military. And coincidentally, it’s newly reelected Senator McCain who wants to lead a Congressional effort to probe Trump’s ties with Russia — the same country that the military-industrial complex has major investments in continuing to provoke hostilities with.
Is it possible that McCain donor Soros could use some of his ties in Ukraine and Eastern Europe to dig up dirt on Russia that the Senator could then leak to the press? Perhaps with assistance from two certain ex-presidents (and their wives and political networks) thrown in? With Russia accusers Michael Moore and even musician Moby (who lately has become an intelligence community apologist) to whip up public support?
With this “dream team” of enemies, Trump had better watch his back moving forward. Otherwise, the next musical chair to be pulled out in the Oval Office might be his own.
~ Conservative Zone
By Rowan Scarborough – The Washington Times – Sunday, February 26, 2017
Trump administration officials believe that a Department of Homeland Security report that undercut the president’s position on his travel ban was drafted with the express intent of leaking it to the press, a source close to the department says.
The source said the report was drafted by those loyal to the Obama administration inside the department’s office of intelligence and analysis. The drafters relied solely on open source material, which meant it could be delivered to reporters without violating federal laws on mishandling classified information.
“This was not really a leak but sabotage,” the source said. “This report was commentary. This is insurrection. They all took an oath.”
The leak to The Associated Press appears to follow a pattern of suspected Obama loyalists still inside the government releasing draft documents that are immediately refuted by the White House, such as a supposed plan to mobilize the National Guard to arrest illegal criminal immigrants.
In an executive order, President Trump sought a temporary ban on immigration from seven countries deemed a high terrorism risk. A federal appeals court blocked the order.
In the meantime, the White House asked for a comprehensive intelligence report from several agencies on the terrorism threat to the U.S. by people from those countries!
What leaked from Homeland Security was a scant three-page report that said the threat of terrorist arrivals is dispersed among other countries and that citizenship is not a good gauge.
The administration says there is far more information on those seven countries, some of it classified, that needs to be included in a final report.
For example, the report is limited to court cases, which leaves out confidential FBI data on terrorism suspects. The FBI has said it is monitoring scores of U.S. residents for terrorism ties but does not disclose their identities or, if pertinent, their countries of origin.
The source said aides to Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly met to discuss the draft report and it was conveyed that it needed more work.
Among the Homeland Security intelligence representatives was David Grannis, principal deputy undersecretary in the office of intelligence and analysis.
Mr. Grannis was the Democratic staff director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence under Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California. He joined the Homeland Security Department in January 2016.
Reached by The Washington Times, Mr. Grannis declined to comment. NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY!
Homeland Security press secretary Gillian Christensen dismissed the draft report as an “incomplete product.”
She said in a statement: “The seven countries were identified by the previous administration as being countries of concern for foreign terrorist travel to the United States. Consequently, these countries were the focus of this administration’s initial efforts to enhance vetting for foreign travel to the United States. It is the policy of the United States to protect its citizens from foreign nationals who intend to commit terrorist attacks in the United States; and to prevent the admission of foreign nationals who intend to exploit United States immigration laws for malevolent purposes.
“The document referenced in this report and others was incomplete and had not been subject to the extensive interagency review process required of finished intelligence products. Further, the report does not include data from other intelligence community sources. It is clear on its face that it is an incomplete product,” she said.
Ms. Christensen rebutted allegations that the report was criticized internally for political purposes: “Allegations by opponents of the president’s policies that senior DHS intelligence officials would politicize intelligence is unfortunate and untrue. The dispute with this product was over sources and quality, not politics.”
Rep. Mac Thornberry, Texas Republican and chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, last week said Obama loyalists inside the Pentagon are not embracing Mr. Trump’s call to boost military readiness and buy more equipment.
Defense Secretary James Mattis has no Senate-confirmed aides in place.
“The problem is it’s Secretary Mattis alone right now,” Mr. Thornberry said. “So you have a number of people, political appointees and others from the Obama administration, and they have been the ones trying to deny there’s a problem.”
(“They’re well-intentioned people, patriotic Americans, but it’s hard for any of us to turn 180 degrees in the other direction.”) LOL
WHY LOL: CAN A DEMOCRAT OR A GLOBALIST BE “well-intentioned, patriotic Americans“?
All but six Obama political appointees have left the Pentagon. But during Mr. Obama’s eight years, many Democrats landed jobs there in the senior executive service or civil service, which are immune from political dismissal.
Political appointees typically submit resignations in December when a different political party is preparing to take over the White House.
The Trump administration is only in its seventh week. It takes months for an administration to win Senate confirmation of assistant secretaries, undersecretaries and deputy secretaries to carry out orders to the bureaucracy.
Mr. Trump has railed against “fake news” in the liberal mainstream media and against leaks, some of which violate laws on protecting secrets.
Democratic Party officials have stated that they have no plans to work with the Trump administration and have taken to calling their stance “resistance.” Some want Mr. Trump impeached immediately.

 Articles from:

~ Conservative Zone
– The Washington Times – Sunday, February 26, 2017
All comments in red are inserted by the bloggers!


In 1991, at the end of Desert Storm, a 19 yr old US Army Cavalry Scout Private who had just spent 8 months at war sat out on a street at Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. He sat there on his duffle bag with his Battalion around him for 4 days waiting for the buses to come and take him to the King Fahad Airport so he could go home. Unfortunately, the politicians of the day never planned for how to bring so many soldiers home after the war ended so there was a shortage of planes. Politicians are great at talking, but terrible at doing. Finally, the buses came, and took the young man to the airport. The planes waiting were from Tower Air. The owner of Tower Air had volunteered his planes and staff to bring soldiers home for the cost of fuel only. Happily, the young veteran got home just in time for Easter weekend in 1991, and spent that time emotionally healing with friends and family surrounding him. That Private was me. The Airline owner Donald J Trump. That is why I will vote Trump. Loyalty for loyalty, respect for respect. Any questions?

Written by Ron Knouse

YES! I KNOW TRUMP TALKS LIKE MY FRIEND VINNY, THE CONSTRUCTION WORKER!  I worked a fair number of years as a laborer in construction both before and after Vietnam.  My dad took me to work with him  while in high school and before my freshman year at UMass, Amherst.  When I got home from Vietnam I worked another two years in construction. So, forgive me if I understand the coarse language of the billionaire, builder Trump.  I MUST ADMIT MY FIRST CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT HAS  UNFORTUNATELY  DROPPED OUT!

I loved the humble, yet amazing genius of Dr. Ben Carson.  What an amazing problem solver he would have made as the president.

Then, I look at the bombastic Donald Trump. Yet, would you believe The Donald has a history of silent generosity?  Note the story above.  Two others I am aware of may not be confirmed by any source, but they came to my ears from the principals in both situations:

A small construction firm, with 24 employees,  was named as a creditor in one of Trumps bankrupt casinos.  The owner was out of his mind with worry, because he couldn’t pay his workers.  He contacted Trump and explained his dilemma. The answer came the next day when a messenger delivered the amount listed in the bankruptcy out of Trump’s personal account.

The other incident I am aware of is more dramatic, but just as generous, if not more so!  Trump heard about a family that was about to lose their farm.  The head of household committed suicide thinking the insurance would help his family save the farm.  However, the suicide clause gave the insurance company the out they always have for themselves.  The insurance did not cover suicide, so without the head of household, the family was  going to be tossed into the street.  I’m not sure of the amount or details, but Trump bailed this family out and they were able to keep their farm.

So, yes, Trump is a narcissist, like Obama! The difference, Obama wouldn’t even help out his half-brother in Kenya, when he was in need.  Trump has a lifetime of achievement, generosity and job creation for 10’s of thousands of people  We all know Hillary is also a narcissist that only looks out for her own best interests.  In fact, in my opinion,  she is a crook!

If the American people go for the ruinous socialism of Bernie Sanders, kiss America good bye!

We are left with three choices.  The more I learn about Kasich, I have to disregard him.  So, for me we have the Constitutional Cruz, or the builder Trump.  They  better start working together or the crooks in DC will screw them out of the job of cleaning out the scum!

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From Fixing People to Fixing Politics: Can Ben Carson Do It?



Although Ben Carson is a newcomer to politics, he’s done a relatively good job of sticking close to GOP pack leaders, even overtaking Donald Trump’s impressive lead for a short time. His political inexperience, however, leaves many wondering “can he do it?” Can Ben Carson lead the United States, help restore economic prosperity, protect us from terrorism, and calm racial and political tensions at home that threaten to destroy us? Can the fixer of people fix American politics? Here are some reasons why he just might…

He’s a catalyst for change.

Ben Carson will disrupt the status quo. Unlike many of the other candidates, Dem or GOP, he isn’t bound by DC political ties. He’s fresh off the political boat, as it were, and can bring a new perspective to Washington and the White House. He is willing to state what he believes, even if it isn’t popular, but he does it in a way that demands respect instead of ridicule.

He may be new to politics, but he isn’t new to leadership.

Carson doesn’t have much political experience, but he has a resume chock-full of leadership roles. He was director of pediatric neurology at John Hopkins, and if you don’t think that position entails tough calls and decisions that will affect vulnerable children and parents, then you have another thing coming. He’s also served on the boards of corporations like Kellogg Co. and Costco Wholesale Corp as well as founding and heading his own non-profit.

He’s the smartest in the pack of candidates.

Leading the United States of America isn’t brain surgery, but I would guess it’s pretty darn close. Ben Carson would bring not only his intellectual prowess to the Oval Office, but also his plain old common sense. While the intelligence of many of the candidates can be doubted, no one could ever doubt Ben Carson’s genius stature. Even though he’s new to politics, he has the ability to learn the skills he needs to be able to lead the country well.

He understands healthcare.

One of the biggest issues facing Americans in this presidential election is healthcare: the Affordable Care Act isn’t working, but no one seems to have a good plan to fix it. Because Ben Carson has worked in healthcare for most of his life, he understands the unique pressures doctors face and he understands that patients need exceptional but affordable healthcare. If anyone can fix our healthcare crisis, Dr. Carson can.

He’s civil.

A characteristic that has been lost in American politics is civility. Recent elections feature mudslinging and name calling and ad homonym attacks but little in the way of truth mixed with kindness. Carson has proven himself to be soft-spoken and civil even to those he does not agree with. While his opponents dredge up anything they can to attack him, Carson responds with graciousness.


Ben Carson may not have a plethora of elected roles under his belt, but that doesn’t disqualify him from the role of commander in chief. Who’s to say that serving as a senator or representative or even governor–probably the job most similar in nature to that of president—prepares a person for the difficult job of leading the United States of America? Any new president has a steep learning curve, and we think Ben Carson can overcome that learning curve as well as anyone.


We are certain any of the republican candidates are much better than anyone the democrats are offering.  In my house there has been a lot of interest in Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and Dr Ben Carson.  However, Ben Carson seems to carry the day!

What do you think? Is Ben Carson qualified to serve as president? Why or why not?


The Left’s Motive For Importing Terrorists

Articles, 0 Comments

The correlation between the rise in Muslim violence and liberals rushing to their defense is undeniable: The more that Muslims themselves affirm our need for vigilance against Islam, the more their advocates on the left engage in damage control through disinformation calculated to placate native populations whilst Islamists advance their agenda.


The liberal narrative concerning these refugees has been beyond Orwellian, and to the rational mind, it all appears quite surreal. This widespread, toadying defense of Muslim brutality by liberals is an exquisite example of mind control via all of the methods of propaganda brought to bear against a population.

It is widely known among those who do not get their news from the alphabet TV networks that Obama has been clandestinely importing Muslims from Syria, Iraq, Somalia, and other destabilized Muslim nations for several years. Now, on the pretext of humanitarianism, he intends to prey upon Americans’ sympathy in order to import tens of thousands more.

Why do leftists advocate for a policy that will domestically destabilize America? As with so many harmful policies they’ve supported, they do so that they may later offer a statist, liberty-killing remedy. In this case, the cure will be a more well-developed surveillance and police state, which they surmise Americans will welcome when we’re being hacked to death on our streets by RADICAL Muslims.

The bipartisan legislation upon which the House voted last week to augment screening procedures for Syrian refugees passed 289-137. Although Obama said he would veto this measure if it got to his desk, the upside is that we now have a list of 137 members of Congress who should be stripped of their citizenship and exiled to Syria.
Read more at InstigatorNews



Obama’s Lie About Comparing Syrian Refugees To Pilgrims Exposed By Mayflower Compact

Advertisement: Protect yourself! Get small increments of Gold to provide for your family when all of these “chickens come home to roost!:  Get grams of GOLD

 Most politicians lie much of the time. 
 It is easy to see this with Obama and the Clintons.  They only time they are not lying is when their lips stop moving. Sadly, they deceive many of our fellow citizens.

Obama compares Syrian refugees to Pilgrims on the Mayflower in Thanksgiving address, as he urges America to show generosity to them

When Barack Obama compared the phony Syrian ‘refugees’ to the pilgrims who came over on the Mayflower, he was desperately hoping that you would not go and look up what the text of the Mayflower Compact actually says.

Because when you read the Mayflower Compact, the Pilgrims said that they came “for the glory of God, and for the advancement of the Christian faith”. Read it for yourself:

“In the name of God, Amen. We whose names are under-written, the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord, King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine our selves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the Colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cape Cod, the eleventh of November [New Style, November 21], in the year of the reign of our sovereign lord, King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Dom. 1620.” source

The Muslim jihadis that arrive here with each wave of phony ‘refugees’ are not here for the “advancement of the Christian faith”, as Obama implies, they are here to claim America for Allah and institute Sharia Law. It is a planned invasion, and sponsored by the Obama administration.

Everything that comes out of Obama’s mouth is a lie of some kind, and a simple Google search will expose it each and every time.

Geoffrey Grider | November 27, 2015 at 2:24 pm  URL:

Laura J Alcorn

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A Funny Debate: A Proven Leader Trump versus Heartless Hillary Clinton!

Barbra Streisand must have had on her “too tight bra!”

Image Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images

Image Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images

Her politics were obvious during her post award interview with ABC News.

The logical answer to this illogical blather from another over-paid democrat operative was posted on Face Book:


Al Battista ·

COMPASSION! Ms Barbra, are you dreaming? This heartless Hillbilly Clinton was fired for lying and cheating from several jobs, including by the dems “Watergate Commission” because her cut-throat tactics against Nixon were too outlandish for those looking to crucify Nixon! She had no compassion for the Americans in Benghazi or their families! She had no compassion for the women her husband tried to rape! She headed up a group, “Fight the Bimbo Eruptions” to protect her perverted husband from his sexual deviances!

Probably the worst, although not the only crimes as described here, is her lack of compassion for the USA with her UNPROTECTED EMAIL SERVER getting hacked by our nations enemies.


A liar and a thief!
A liar and a thief!

Yes! A debate between Trump and Clinton would be funny! An insignificant liar, cheat and thief (Yes, it is theft to use your position as Sec. of State to enrich yourself) and a man that used a borrowed $1,000,000 to build a fortune of billions! A weak sister, (in the days when so many women are proving they are strong, capable people able to match any man) against a proven leader, with a proven track record of success where he helps tens of thousands (if not millions) improve their lives here at home and around the World! A misogynistic woman against a man whose ex-wives say is “wonderful!”

Yes, Trump is a boisterous New Yorker with an intelligent brain dedicated to service, while Hillary is a “carpet-bagger” New Yorker only out to enrich herself!

Passive People! Why the Religion of Peace is a Major Threat to Your Family!

Today at 9:16 AM

Je Suis AME, or How Can We Fix Racism in the USA!


Dylann Roof is a maniac.

I noticed the atypical action of the media by not using the “Je Suis…” phrase this time with the shooting at the AME church.  Could it be the media is not religious?  As a Christian  I did not use “Je Suis (I am)”  for the irreverent magazine in France.  However, I will use it for the decent Christian folks in the AME church in Charleston, SC!

Once again, Barry O infers gun control is the answer!  Sorry, Mr. Prez, nut control is the ONLY answer.

To my point.  We are a country plagued by problems.  In the past 6 years, the big problems have become worse, and the small problems have become bigger.  I’d rather not explore all of these right now, but the one problem that is looming over all of us is RACISM!

Some have called me a racist, which actually is not trueI should be called a “Thugist.”  I dislike thugs of all races.  Dylann Roof is a maniacal, cowardly, racist thug! He is the kind of cowardly thugs I cannot stand! Any coward that has to enter a place of praise and worship to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to commit a dastardly deed is a thug of the worst kind.

If he wasn’t a coward, he would have been hanging out with the thugs to rid the world of them! He would not be with the decent church people, to hurt them! If he was courageous, when the thugs committed a crime, he could have gotten rid of those scum. Such a clean up job would help the good people of the country. Destroying decent people hurts the country.

How can we fix this? What can be done to correct the worst problem we face?  Only calm, confident intelligence can do it. Not words! Not Obama fantasy phrases!  Only the intelligent, calm, confident Ben Carson can offer the leadership to fix this disease that is tearing our country apart!

The only democrat I would consider looking at for president is James Webb.  However, he does not have the tools to fix this.

I like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.  While they both appear willing to take on and fix racism, I doubt they have the background to take on this task!

Ted Cruz

Rand Paul – Official Site
Scroll down to learn about Dr Carson:

From Dr Ben

“Not being a career politician I know that before the American people will consider my solutions for fixing America, they will first ask – who is Ben Carson?
To help answer that question, I’ve published a new, easy-to-read short book on my life, simply called My Life. It is based upon my best seller Gifted Hands.
I would very much like to send you a copy to read, and share with your friends and family.

If you would be generous enough to make a donation of $25 or more right now, my campaign will send you a copy.

“At its core, my story is an American story. Growing up on the poorest of streets in Detroit with bad grades and a horrible temper, even I gave up on myself for a time.

“But the determination of a loving mother who refused to give up on me convinced me I could do anything. I have lived the American Dream.

I’m running for President because we must again be a country where every single American has the opportunity to think big, to pursue happiness, and to reach their full, God-given potential.

“With the release of My Life, I hope to help to share my story and show that by working together, we can restore the promise of America.

I hope you will support me in this effort by making a donation of $25 or more right now so you can receive your exclusive copy of My Life.

“Thank you, and God Bless America.”

Ben Carson”

While I also like Governor Perry and Scott Walker, they are not in my first tier of preferences, because they are not able to touch this area of racism.

Right now, the elitist repubs are ignoring this awesome candidate. If black people would get behind this wonderful Dr Ben Carson, the repubs would have to take him on! Help us beat the establishment at its monopolistic game! Let’s help Ben Carson win the nomination.

One other reason you should vote for repubs: dems in power do not get the intense scrutiny of repubs.  The dems get away with robbing us blind because of the cover they get from the news media.  I could cite scores of examples but let us just look at one: Watergate brought down a repub prez because of the intense anal exam by the press.  Both Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama have conducted more criminal activity than Nixon ever did.  However, did you ever hear of the Jimmy Carter break in to steal evidence in a drug case that he wanted to avoid.  Did the press ever go after Obama (or Hillary) for the crimes they were conducting in Benghazi, Libya; the real crimes involved in “Fast and Furious” gun running to Mexico; the intentional acts to incite racism in the Cambridge cop, Harvard Professor situation and many, many more.  What, you don’t believe me?  Of course, but you would if the press did its job in exposing dem crimes as rapidly and completely as repub crimes!

Wow! That was heavy!  Allow me to lighten the mood with a little humor:

 Expert Lemon Picker        Gelio’s joke

                            Sally Mullihan of Clermont, Florida Decided to take one of the jobs that most Americans are not willing to do.   
                       Sally applied for a job in a Florida lemon grove
And seemed to be far too qualified for the job.
She had a liberal arts degree from the University of Michigan And had worked as a social worker and a school teacher.
The foreman said, “I have to ask you, Have you had any actual experience in picking lemons?”
           “Well, as a matter of fact, I have,” she said:
          “I’ve been divorced three times, owned 2 Chryslers and I voted twice for Obama.”
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                We thank God, for everything!

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… a new Mideast conspiracy theory

Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton attends a recent signing event for her memoir “Hard Choices” in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. (Mike Groll/Associated Press)

For the past few weeks, a number of Arabic-language social media users have been sharing screenshots and excerpts of a Hillary Clinton autobiography called “Password 360.” Many are shocked by one particular passage, in which the former secretary of state appears to concede that the United States, with the help of the Muslim Brotherhood, helped engineer the Islamic State extremist group.

That would be a startling admission — if it were true. Clinton’s new memoir contains no such passage. In fact, it isn’t even called “Password 360” — it’s called “Hard Choices.” Direct U.S. involvement in the rise of the Islamic State is a conspiracy theory at best.

Unfortunately, it’s a powerful one. The BBC’s Suzanne Kianpour reports that the idea appears to hold sway in Lebanon. According to Kianpour, the Lebanese Foreign Ministry summoned U.S. Ambassador David Hale to explain the rumor, and the U.S. Embassy in Beirut wrote on Facebook that any stories of American involvement in the creation of the Islamic State were “pure fabrication.”

The rumors have been around for quite some time, too: On Aug. 3, the online magazine 7iber published an article debunking the story, which it noted had been picked up by at least one major Jordanian media outlet. Lina Ejeilat, editor in chief of 7iber, says the story appears to have begun on obscure Egyptian Web sites before being picked up on more mainstream news sites and spreading through the Arab world. Although it initially talked specifically about the creation of an “Islamic state” in Egypt’s Sinai region, it appears to have evolved to also include the supposed U.S. creation of the Islamic State militia currently creating havoc in Syria and Iraq.

Ejeilat says the spread of the rumor on social media was remarkable. “Many people just wanted to believe it,” she explains in an e-mail. However, Ejeilat also notes that many others have recognized the theory as absurd and clearly fake: Twitter users have been using a satirical hashtag (“#مذكرات_هيلاري_كلينتون” or “Hillary Clinton’s Memoirs”) to mock the fake excerpts by making up their own, even sillier excerpts.

The rumors about the Islamic State and Clinton are a new variation on an old theme: that the United States supports the interests of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East. That theory has unified supporters of Egypt’s post-coup government, Shiite Muslims suspicious of the reach of Sunni groups such as the Brotherhood, and even America’s right wing. Clinton has been singled out in these theories for some time. In 2012, for example, Rep. Michele Bachmann suggested that a close Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, had infiltrated the U.S. government for the Muslim Brotherhood. Bachmann’s comments led to a scathing editorial from The Post. When Clinton visited Cairo not long after, she was greeted by placards that said things such as “Clinton is the supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

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The Middle East is home to its fair share of conspiracy theories. To some degree, it is understandable, of course. There are plenty of historical examples of the West involved in secret dealings in the Middle East with disastrous results, and it is certainly true that the United States has a long, complicated history with the Muslim Brotherhood. Besides, the sudden, terrible rise of the Islamic State is difficult to comprehend for anyone, anywhere.

The reality of Clinton’s view on the U.S. role in the rise of the Islamic State is less conspiratorial but still damning. In an interview with the Atlantic, Clinton criticized President Obama for not arming Syrian rebels in the early days of the rebellion against Bashar al-Assad’s regime. She said this decision “left a big vacuum, which the jihadists have now filled.” Clinton herself acknowledged that she can never know whether arming the rebels would really have made a difference, and some, such as the Monkey Cage’s Marc Lynch, have argued that she is wrong. Perhaps it is a better representation of recent U.S. policy toward the Middle East: hard choices, and plenty of regrets.

Laura J Alcorn

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This is a “must read” article!  I’m not going to apologize for going into Iraq. In fact, it was a terrible mistake at the time. Iraq was totally contained, and Afghanistan had not been made stable, yet!  However, I always support the troops where ever they are sent, while always questioning the politicians, especially in Washington, District of Corruption.


The CIA also told the President that Hussein is supporting international terrorist groupS…

The President was also told if he builds up a strong Iraq, friendly to the US, it can be a bulwark against Iran and not our enemy. It wasn’t only President Bush, but the majority of Congress who also believed this, many of whom have conveniently forgotten.”

There are numerous quotes by Hillary Clinton, Senator John Kerry, and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi attesting to that fact; yet, the press only faulted President Bush.

Even more interesting is that President Bush is blamed for the intelligence community getting it wrong but the Obama Administration never received that same scrutiny regarding Benghazi.


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