I am asking every member to actually do something that will help keep the election a little more honest. Please read the post; THEN OTHER SUGGESTIONS BELOW THE “FRAUD” POST!

Voter Fraud Proven;Tens of thousands of filled out Ballots for Hillary were found in Ohio

on this site at; We need to get everyone motivated to stop any fraud we can find. No one else will do it. Team Clinton/Soros/DNC are once again making a supreme effort to steal the election in November.

Start by copying the post or just send the link to it to all of your contacts and ask them to do the same. The next thing is to try and get on your local precinct in some official capacity to challenge votes. Voters lists can be obtained by contacting your County clerk and requesting them.

These records can be cross checked by getting a list from your DMV for the people in your geographic area probably the best would in a county by County basis. This has become critical since we can not trust the Democrats to play fair based on their past and apparently current practices.

A lot was said after the fact for the 2012 elections, but then it was too late. Make sure that your Clerks have sent out absentee ballots to active duty military too. Those need to go out now so they can be distributed and sent back in time to be counted.

A little hint; don’t let up on the clerks because I remember that several boxes of ballots from the military were “Found” after they had been “Accidentally” mislaid and it was too late to count them by the time they were “Found”


Visit We The People USA at:


 The title “Only Dead Democrats Keep Voting”  isn’t accurate!  It should be “Democrats Keep the Dead Alive with a Vote!”
These few things we can do to help keep things honest are best done by small groups.
1) As mentioned in the article, compare DMV records with voter rolls.  If they don’t live in your town, or if they are dead, they shouldn’t be on the voter rolls!
Possibly you read of the college student recently arrested for registering dead people for early ballots!
2) Bring your camera to the polls on election day.  (If enough people in the group, start during “Early Voting”).  If you notice groups travelling together take their picture.  If possible, follow them when they leave and see if the go to another polling place!  If they do, picture them there as well!
In states where ID’s are not required, we know groups, usually union members, travel from polling place to polling place using names of dead or hospitalized people so they can vote again and again in the name of the dead or ill people!
3) Remember the Turkish, Muslim terrorist that murdered 5 people near Seattle was not a citizen, but voted 3 times.  His last vote was in the recent primary and went to Hillary Clinton!  BY THE WAY, BE CAREFUL!  NOT REFERRING TO TERRORISTS, BUT ALL BUT ONE OF THE MASS MURDERERS IN RECENT YEARS HAS BEEN A LEFTIST!
4) Get an early, absentee ballot for yourself!  Especially if you are in a state where they do not have paper ballots.  After you fill it out make a good xerox copy. Many suggest you have the copy notarized.  Be sure to get to the post office in plenty of time prior to the November 8 date, and mail the ballot with “certification” or some form where an employee of the government, especially the County Clerks office, has to sign for it.  Then, if it is a close election 1,000’s  of our paper ballots might keep the dems.  from trying to pull another fast one as they usually do with close elections!!!
Feel free to comment below, any suggestions to keep elections fair!

A Funny Debate: A Proven Leader Trump versus Heartless Hillary Clinton!

Barbra Streisand must have had on her “too tight bra!”

Image Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images

Image Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images

Her politics were obvious during her post award interview with ABC News.

The logical answer to this illogical blather from another over-paid democrat operative was posted on Face Book:


Al Battista ·

COMPASSION! Ms Barbra, are you dreaming? This heartless Hillbilly Clinton was fired for lying and cheating from several jobs, including by the dems “Watergate Commission” because her cut-throat tactics against Nixon were too outlandish for those looking to crucify Nixon! She had no compassion for the Americans in Benghazi or their families! She had no compassion for the women her husband tried to rape! She headed up a group, “Fight the Bimbo Eruptions” to protect her perverted husband from his sexual deviances!

Probably the worst, although not the only crimes as described here, is her lack of compassion for the USA with her UNPROTECTED EMAIL SERVER getting hacked by our nations enemies.


A liar and a thief!
A liar and a thief!

Yes! A debate between Trump and Clinton would be funny! An insignificant liar, cheat and thief (Yes, it is theft to use your position as Sec. of State to enrich yourself) and a man that used a borrowed $1,000,000 to build a fortune of billions! A weak sister, (in the days when so many women are proving they are strong, capable people able to match any man) against a proven leader, with a proven track record of success where he helps tens of thousands (if not millions) improve their lives here at home and around the World! A misogynistic woman against a man whose ex-wives say is “wonderful!”

Yes, Trump is a boisterous New Yorker with an intelligent brain dedicated to service, while Hillary is a “carpet-bagger” New Yorker only out to enrich herself!

Take this quiz! No Cheating! The Answers are listed at the bottom!


Prepare yourself for the next election !!

Six trivia questions to see how much history you really know. Be honest, it’s kind of fun and revealing. If you don’t know the answer, make your best guess.

Answer all of the questions (no cheating) before looking at the answers.  And, no, the answers to these questions aren’t all Barack Obama.

1) “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”

A. Karl Marx B. Adolph Hitler C. Joseph Stalin D. Barack Obama E. None of the above

2) “It’s time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few …… And to replace it with shared responsibility, for shared prosperity.”

A. Lenin B. Mussolini C. Idi Amin D. Barack Obama E. None of the above

3) “(We)…..can’t just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people.”

A. Nikita Khrushev B. Joseph Goebbels C. Boris Yeltsin D. Barack Obama E. None of the above

4) “We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own … in order to create this common ground.”

A. Mao Tse Tung B. Hugo Chavez C. Kim Jong II D. Barack Obama E. None of the above

5) “I certainly think the free-market has failed.”

A. Karl Marx B. Lenin C. Molotov D. Barack Obama E. None of the above

6) “I think it’s time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched.”

A. Pinochet B. Milosevic C. Saddam Hussein D. Barack Obama E. None of the above

……….Scroll down for answers

and the answers are ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(1) E. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004

(2) E. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007

(3) E. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007

(4) E. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007

(5 ) E None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007

(6). E. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005

scary huh!

Now that you know the answer I’ll reveal that I guessed a lot of “D” Barack Obama. I think that Barry O has said similar things to Hillary.  Since they both are followers of Sol Olinsky, it stands to reason they think alike.

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Hillary and BO with Blood on their Hands!

 BOMBSHELL! Diplomatic Agent Reveals That Benghazi Attack Was An Inside Job!

Bumps in the Road

We’re the Battling Bastards of Benghazi,
no fame, no glory, no paparazzi.
Just a firey death in a blazing hell,
defending the country we loved so well.
It wasn’t our job, but we answered the call,
fought to the consulate, ‘n scalled th’ wall.
We pulled twenty countrymen from the jaws of fate,
led them to safety, ‘n stood at th’ gate.
Just the two of us, ‘n foe by th’ score,
but we stood fast to bar th’ door.
We called for reinforcement, but it was denied,
so we fought, ‘n we fought, ‘n we fought, ‘n we died.
We gave our all for our Uncle Sam,
‘n Obama didn’t give a damn,
just two dead SEALS, who carried the load,
no thanks to us, we were just “bumps in the road”

by NTEB News Desk

Exposing The Benghazi Coverup

The terrorists who attacked the Benghazi consulate last year knew the location of the safe room where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his security team sought shelter, according to a congressman who spoke for 90 minutes with the diplomatic security agent severely injured in the assault.

“He confirmed this – that it was a very well orchestrated, and well organized, almost a military operation, using military weapons and using military signals,” the late Florida Rep. Bill Young said after meeting diplomatic security agent David Ubben at Walter Reed Medical Center last summer, when both were patients there.


After Young’s death in mid-October, his widow, Beverly Young, gave Fox permission to use her husband’s comments about the Sep. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the record.  The congressman had originally spoken to Fox on background last summer.

“He (Ubben) emphasized the fact that it was a very, very military type of operation they had knowledge of almost everything in the compound,” Young explained.“They knew where the gasoline was, they knew where the generators were, they knew where the safe room was, they knew more than they should have about that compound.”

Ubben was severely injured defending the CIA Annex when mortar fire rained down on the rooftop, killing former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty and severely injuring a third CIA contractor who was interviewed by the House Intelligence committee Thursday.   After multiple surgeries, a source close to the contractor confirmed he has not regained the full use of his arm.

Asked if Ubben believed the terrorists had inside information, or had done reconnaissance, Young told Fox,  “Yes he (Ubben) did…It was pretty well figured out, where everything was, where the doors were located, where the safe room was – the whole thing.”

While Young debated whether to discuss his conversation with Ubben, he felt that, on balance, the country should know that the diplomatic security agent, who recovered the body of foreign service officer Sean Smith from the burning consulate, was heroic.

“He was pretty sure Sean was dead when he pulled him, but he felt like he had to recover him anyway and get him out.  He would have done the same for the ambassador but he wasn’t really sure where the ambassador was,” Young said.

Young added, “I think he is an awfully sincere young guy. And I think he is a real hero for what he did that night…He did something he didn’t have to do, put his life in danger, and we know he was seriously injured.  He took major injuries (that) came from the mortar that landed on the roof that killed the other two,”

An August 16 classified cable, reviewed and reported on by Fox News last fall, showed there was an emergency meeting in Benghazi less than a month before the attack due to rapidly deteriorating security.  The cable warned the office of Secretary of State  Hillary Clinton, and other State Department leaders in Washington, that the consulate could not sustain a coordinated assault.

The cable also reflected a grave concern among officials on the ground that the Libyan militia charged with protecting the consulate had been compromised, perhaps even infiltrated by extremists.

Summarizing the meeting, the cable reported that “certain sectors of the 17 FebruaryBrigade were very hesitant to share information with the Americans, but as the largest brigade they acted as a buffer for the Mission against some of the more anti-American, Islamist militias in town.” The brigade was charged with protecting the consulate.

According to Young, Ubben described how the guard force melted away as the consulate came under assault. “He said that when the attack started, the Libyan security folks who were supposed to secure the compound, they ran. So, they were at the mercy of their own capabilities.” source – Fox News