Love is Fair and Accurate! The Media is Unfair and Inaccurate!

Hi, I thought you might enjoy reading this article I just came across: “Not Just the Alt-Right: Leftist Violence was on Display in Charlottesville”;

This is the link: http:/

There was too much to say in this blog.  To see the article you will have to click the link!

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READ THE ENTIRE BLOG, PLEASE. It will only take a few minutes unless you get stuck on the photos:

These 3 sick puppies know Donald Trump is our president! HOW COME THE HYPOCRITES IN THE MEDIA, cOMMUNIST pARTY, democrats, antifa, bLACK lIVES mATTER AND OTHER GROUPS ON THE LEFT, RINO rEPUBLICANS AND OTHER ASSORTED anti-TRUMPERS ARE STUCK ON STUPID refusing to believe crooked Hillary did not run a good campaign and Trump did, which is why Trump won!

Since winning Trump has been attacked from all sides: Of course that is expected from the democrats, but not expected so unfairly by the media, RINO republicans, Obama holdovers in the government and assorted anti-Trumpers from all angles!

During this turmoil it has been said, “The press is not our enemy!” Let’s examine that:

An enemy attempts to sow dissension, topple the leader the people elected. Webster says, “ENEMY:One seeking to injure, confound or overthrow another.”

The press has not published one positive comment about Trump since he won the election!  In fact, every comment is so falsely negative the majority of people that follow politics and the news are now ignoring the media. (Unfortunately too many people in our country avoid paying attention, so are easily lead into idiocy by a lying media.) Instead of a positive article we get a flood of attacks and negativity, mostly all fake news! They also ignore all the good news coming out of the Trump administration.


In the face off with Korea it was Trump’s spine that was the WINNER!

A million new jobs in 6 months!

Unemployment down to 4.4%

Corprate Reinvestment:

SoftBank $50B
Exxon $20B
Hyundai $3.1B
Apple $1B
Chrysler $1B
GM $1B
Bayer AG $1B
Toyota $600M
LG $250M

Killed the TPP

Stock market around 20,200

Over 40 bills passed

Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court

Consumer confidence above 125


Strengthening relationships
Tough on North Korea
Tough on Syria
Freed Humanitarian Workers from Egypt



Meanwhile they ignore real dangers and crimes:

Of course they never mention, that before running for president, Donald Trump was the most appreciated white man in the Black community!

Just heard on Rush: More fake news, Mattis getting all the credit for making “Little Fat Un” back down on sending missiles towards Guam! Sure, I love Mad Dog Mattis but in this case it was Trump’s words that created the WIN!

There is so much more fake news attacks on Trump, decent people look at the MEDIA AS A REAL ENEMY, trying to tear down our elections and our nation!!!

President Trump was correct when he said “…evil on all sides…” which is noted if you take the time to study the videos of the Battle at Charlottesville; if you recognize the police (more evil) let the two groups get face to face, then stood down as the baseball bat armed alt-left, BLM, communists and other leftist people attacked the people with the permit; only one group had a permit to demonstrate, some were racists, but most are people concerned with protecting an historical perspective;  if you wonder why any politician wants to destroy the history and the heritage of America, like me, you might consider that evil. It appears to me that politicians deciding to hide history and destroy a segment of our heritage, is the reason for the trouble in the first place!  True, the Klan, Skin Heads, Nazi’s fought back, but if the ‘antagonistic left’ stayed away, no one would have been injured or killed.  Ask yourself, “What would happen if politicians decided to remove memorials to Martin Luther King?”  Let me be a prophet and tell you that every city in America would have riots, fires and looting!

Research has been done looking for presidential comments when left and right groups clashed over the last 60 years.  There have been 2 or 3 a year or more  and Trump is the first president to even comment, blaming “…all sides…” since the average politician is a coward and will not address matters of importance!  (Do not cite Obama’s anti-police speeches, always without the facts!) Speaking of 50 to 60 years ago, WHEN AMERICA WAS GREAT, what was the state of America:

*the GDP grew by 250%
*average incomes tripled
*the housing market was booming
*developers were building 1.5 million homes per year
*Home ownership rates exploded
*60% of Americans were in the middle class category
*Poverty rates were dropping fast
*Consumer spending doubled in the 1950s
*Divorce rates were low, while marriage rates were high and people married at a younger age than at any other time in history
*Only 4% of all babies were born out-of-wedlock, compared to 40% today
*90% of all children grew up with married parents
*there was no crack epidemic
*there were hardly any school shootings
*90% of all school levies were approved by voters
*discipline problems in school minor
*the US had the best educational system in the world at the time
*cost of living was low
*families were able to live comfortably on only one income
*Americans viewed the home and the family to be most important thing in society
*No secular humanist movement opposed the 1954 addition of “under God” to the Pledge of Alligence
*The birth rate was extremely high, women were having almost 4 children on average

Read more:


If you want to contribute to the destruction of America, continue supporting the demon-rat democrats and RINO repugnant republicans in “The Resistance” to making America great again! Participate with the socialists and communistic democrats!

If you love our country get on the Trump train and lend your strength to “The Make America Great Again” movement!

Let’s end with some factual humor: $50.00

Recently, while I was working in the flower beds in the front yard, my neighbors stopped to chat as they returned home from walking their dog. During our friendly conversation, I asked their little girl what she wanted to be when she grew up. She said she wanted to be President someday. Both of her parents, Democratic Party members, were standing there so I asked her, “If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?”

She replied.. “I’d give food and houses to all the homeless people.” Her parents beamed with pride!

“Wow…what a worthy goal!” I said . . . “But you don’t have to wait until you’re President to do that!”

“What do you mean?” she replied

So I told her, “You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and trim my hedge, and I’ll pay you $50. Then you can go over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house.”

She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, “Why doesn’t the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?”

I said, “Welcome to the Republican Party.”

Her parents aren’t speaking to me anymore.


I pray it doesn’t happen, but the violent left and their propagandists in the media are working overtime to force a revolution!  ARE YOU PREPARED? Like most, you are probably not!  Check out our web site, where you can get all the equipment you need to see you through a time of trouble.

If you wish to talk about this program or the purchase of the entire Ready Pack, or each individual item feel free to contact me: email me at

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