I will be resuming my old blog. I find too many do not want to talk politics on social media. So, my SM efforts will be fun, inspirational and valuable! My old posts are still up. I will send at least one a week and announce it on my social media posts, without getting too political. I will strive to keep them short, but in 3 parts. 1) Something nutritional. I do not sell anything nutritional, so it will be based on my almost 30 years in the health and nutrition field. 2)Something to make your life better. Some simple exercises we baby boomers and prebaby boomers can do for fitness, health and longevity. Some motivational quotes to be a better manager of your money. 3)finally some short points about the politics of the day. It will be hard for me because when I start my mind and mouth can’t shut off. However, I need this for my own self-discipline

What about the Name “Amateur v Competent”? That was my first blog, and much of it is intact. Read how I came up with that name:

When Mitt Romney ran against Barry Obama, I started a blog indicating that Obama was an amateur, and Romney was the competent! I usually have good perception, but I was WRONG in that analysis! At least politically! At that time, I read a book, or saw an article, about how successful Romney was in business! Meanwhile Obama’s history was that of an adjunct college professor. (My wife was one and she was paid the peanuts while full professors got the steak.) What I knew about Romney was he ran Several successful businesses. Businessmen and businesswoman are far better at running a country, or anything else, than lawyers, especially lawyers that could only get a job as an adjunct college professor! But what I didn’t know about Obama was that he was a well-trained, hardened communist, with a sweet tongue, and his rhetoric could sway crowds.

As it turned out in the final debate Romney chocked when the moderator of the debate and Obama ganged up on him. Romney was correct, but many republicans haven’t mastered the art of a quick recovery and going on the offense when they are right!

As it turned out the communist won the election with the intention of starting the deterioration of the USA. He was politically savvy and knew he had to do this slowly. That is why he and Hillary Clinton had a pact that Barry would start the decline and Hillary would follow in the “oral oops, excuse me” (I didn’t mean to bring Bill Clinton into this)! Oval Office! Obama set the stage! He fired or forced early retirements of the patriotic generals in all branches of service. He promised the moon, but only gave the poor cell phones! His economic growth wasn’t that great, although it’s hard to stop the US economy unless you close down the fuel production, stop the oil flow from Canada to the USA, and add all the regulations that are known to slow down the economy! Barry was too wise to do that! He wanted to bring about the collapse of the USA but didn’t want to be blamed for it! He had Hillary willing to take the fall!?! THEN, HILLARY CLINTON, ONE OF THE BITTEREST WOMEN IN THE COUNTRY LOST! That left them Plan B. Let Trump into office then throw every conceivable lie, impeachment and spy trick they could at him! That was supposed to keep Trump so busy he couldn’t govern effectively.

Trump fooled them all. He was not just effective, but super effective. His business ability built one of the greatest economies the USA ever experienced. When the unprovable charge that democrats conspired with China to release the Covid pandemic on the world to ruin the economy so Trump would not be reelected, plus other mailed in ballot shenanigans, ballot stuffing and other irregularities gave the man that didn’t even campaign the win, Joey Biden was now in the catbirds seat to continue the destruction of the USA economy! (Remember I said it was unprovable, but in my opinion not too far off the mark.)

In summary, Barry Obama was the master of competency and Mitt went off to join the other weak amateurish republicans that let democrats walk all over them!


This piece is not designed to make you vote for the demon democrats. I hope it will give the weak-kneed republicans a spine and you might find some decent patriots in some of the other minor parties. When I left the democrats, I became a Libertarian. It was only when I decided to get behind Romney that I became a republican. To save the country you must never vote for a leftist democrat again. If you can find one of them of the Truman, JFK quality, great but that is a rarity! For republicans, seek out their business history. If they had a dig in the mud, successful business they should be high on your list. If they have been in the military and continue to show that patriotism they should get your vote.

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